We'll have TWO Baby V's soon...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, April 2, 2010

21 weeks

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

How far along? 21 weeks.
Due Date: August 13, 2010
Total weight gain/loss: -5...? Yes, I did need to loose weight before I was pregnant but at 21weeks I should have gained about 10+ lbs (according to my book)... I'll just be happy that I'm healthy I guess. I know the baby's fine. I can't even tell you how sure I was that I had gained weight this week. I feel heavier... my tummy's bigger... I wonder when I'll start gaining?
Maternity clothes? Yes. My collection is slowly growing... which is nice because I'm almost totally grown out of my regular clothes
Sleep: I'm getting more used to how I sleep so I'm actually very comfortable right now. Though a pillow between the legs is always a must!
Best moment this week: Feeling baby move more and noticing my belly growing.
Food cravings: Most recent: Egg salad... mmm. I made some this week and it turned out very good.
Food aversions: Things that are creamy and warm or smell gross (to me)
Gender: Unknown. - We will find out April 7th! WEEE! THIS WEDNESDAY!
Labor Signs: None and thank goodness.
Belly Button in or out? In... but filling in... Geoff noticed that it isn't as 'in' as before.
What I miss: Subway!!!
What I am looking forward to: The ULTRASOUND this week!!! :) We're going to find out baby's gender if we have a cooperative little one and I'm SO very excited to see my baby again!
Milestones: Wednesday this week I felt the baby moving... a lot! Once it was a movement instead of just a kick or bump

Other: Bummer... according to the blurb about baby I need to eat more veggies... It says that baby is going to prefer the tastes that I'm eating while pregnant... that makes sense but if I'm going to want a veggie eater I need to find more veggies I like. Hm.


  1. Woohoooo! I'm SO excited to find out the gender of your little one! Coming up soon!!

  2. Yay! You get to know the gender this week!! So exciting!

    Also, I have a cheesy veggie stuffed pasta shell recipe if you want. I also have a broccoli lasagna recipe and some yummy salad recipes that I'll have to find.
