We'll have TWO Baby V's soon...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, August 13, 2010

40 weeks

How far along? 40 weeks
Due Date: August 13, 2010

Total weight gain/loss: +16. Down 1 from last week. :) I like the way this is going so far!
Maternity clothes? Yea.
Sleep: Actually sleeping is fine... getting in a comfortable position and making sure my belly is comfortable too is an entirely different matter!
Best moment this week: Saw a friend I only see a couple times a year AND found out about when we try inducing.
Movement: Yes. Tons. Almost no relief. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes it hurts! She tends to push so hard I feel like I'm contracting!
Food cravings: Right now nothing sounds good.
Food aversions: Nothing specific.

Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Yes - contractions are hard when they come... which at their closest seems to be every 10mn or so... and maybe the beginning on bloody show? Maybe? ... I never would have thought these were things to be excited about!
Belly Button in or out? Out... well, the middle is still in. I can feel it through my shirt... and now it shows through my shirt!
What I miss: Subway!!! (Cold Subway!) But I've been good this long, I'm going to wait out this last bit and then eat a celebration sub!
What I am looking forward to: Having a baby to cuddle with.
Milestones: DUE TODAY!!! ... Wonder if  she'll make it?

Other: Dr appointment this week - dilated to 1cm (not much of a change from "about 1cm" but I'll take it!), still 50% effaced. I saw Dr. D (he delivered my niece) and I really liked him... he started the appt by talking about when we induce :P He said that he tried to stretch my cervix ... so maybe that will help things move along? My next appt is Tuesday 8/17 and if I make it that far we will be scheduling an induction for the next week. Pray that if she doesn't come on her own I at least dilate some more - the risk of needing a c-section is high if I'm not dilated more when I go for induction.


  1. I gained twice as much as you, lady! Good job :) I am so excited for you, you'll be meeting her anytime now!

  2. I'm praying she comes soon and safely. I'm glad you have an plan for inducing if it comes to that. It can't be much longer now!

  3. I gained twice as much as you too :P I was overdue too so I totally know how you feel! She'll be here any day!!!

    I love the new fish thingy!
