Appetite: Hungry! We've gone to a combination of nursing and formula... I wasn't making enough milk at a time to fill her tummy for bedtime and now we're mostly using formula. 4oz every 3-4 hours isn't bad - tonight I gave her an extra 1.5oz before bed hoping maybe she'll sleep longer? I'm really looking forward to when we can give her food! She's been watching us eat very intently, I'm excited to see if she likes it right away.
Sleep: She is fabulous though - 8 hours and then back to sleep for 4-6 more? I read today that babies 3-6 months old sleep 12-15 hours including naps and nighttime sleep and that "through the night" is 5-6 hours!! They said not to expect 8 hours at a time! ... She's been doing that since she was about a month old or younger! It is no wonder her 3 naps are only 30mn! ... They say we should wake her up in the morning to get a good sleep pattern? I think we have a good sleep pattern!
Learning: Where her toes are! :) She can almost get them in her mouth. She has also been studying her hands and we play games to get her to track moving objects and find where a sound is coming from. Also? Learning to sit up and trying to teach her rolling over :) I'm going to start giving her a spoon to play with some and to chew on so she's used to it in her mouth when we try her first foods... I hope it works!
Noticing: People and everything around her! It is no longer an easy thing to get her to nap while I grocery shop! Too much to see. She loves looking out the window in the car but thankfully can still fall right to sleep!
Talking: She jabbers! :) It is so precious! If I ask her questions she pauses and then 'answers' me :)
Favorites: She has a rattle that she can pick up and shake on her own! And she has a few toys that play music but she especially like Magic Seahorse (as we call it) and this little jukebox thing from Baby Einstein with flashy lights.
New likes: Sitting in the highchair watching us in the kitchen :) It is so cute. Also: Patty-cake and Peek-a-boo/Where's-the-baby?
She's mostly SUCH a happy baby! :) I wonder what adventures the future will hold? She's grown so much in these 3 months!
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