We'll have TWO Baby V's soon...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, June 13, 2011

Well... This is a bit earlier than we expected

5/28/11: I got a positive pregnancy test this morning.

How far along? 5 weeks 1 day
Total weight change: +0
Inches gained: +0
Maternity clothes? Still in storage
Sleep: Lots of baby dreams
How I'm feeling: Tired all the time
Best moment this week: Positive test
Movement: not yet

Food cravings: FOOD
Food aversions: Nothing new yet
Gender: ?? I don't even have a guess this time around
Labor signs: NO - thank you God! TOO EARLY
Belly button in or out? In... and it never even got past flat with Elli
What I miss: ? Nothing is really different yet - EXCEPT: eating whatever I want
What I'm looking forward to: Everything
Milestones: Positive test


Thursday, November 18, 2010

3 months old

Appetite: Hungry! We've gone to a combination of nursing and formula... I wasn't making enough milk at a time to fill her tummy for bedtime and now we're mostly using formula. 4oz every 3-4 hours isn't bad - tonight I gave her an extra 1.5oz before bed hoping maybe she'll sleep longer? I'm really looking forward to when we can give her food! She's been watching us eat very intently, I'm excited to see if she likes it right away.

Sleep: She is fabulous though - 8 hours and then back to sleep for 4-6 more? I read today that babies 3-6 months old sleep 12-15 hours including naps and nighttime sleep and that "through the night" is 5-6 hours!! They said not to expect 8 hours at a time! ... She's been doing that since she was about a month old or younger! It is no wonder her 3 naps are only 30mn! ... They say we should wake her up in the morning to get a good sleep pattern? I think we have a good sleep pattern!

Learning: Where her toes are! :) She can almost get them in her mouth. She has also been studying her hands and we play games to get her to track moving objects and find where a sound is coming from. Also? Learning to sit up and trying to teach her rolling over :) I'm going to start giving her a spoon to play with some and to chew on so she's used to it in her mouth when we try her first foods... I hope it works!

Noticing: People and everything around her! It is no longer an easy thing to get her to nap while I grocery shop! Too much to see. She loves looking out the window in the car but thankfully can still fall right to sleep!

Talking: She jabbers! :) It is so precious! If I ask her questions she pauses and then 'answers' me :)

Favorites: She has a rattle that she can pick up and shake on her own! And she has a few toys that play music but she especially like Magic Seahorse (as we call it) and this little jukebox thing from Baby Einstein with flashy lights.

New likes: Sitting in the highchair watching us in the kitchen :) It is so cute. Also: Patty-cake and Peek-a-boo/Where's-the-baby?

She's mostly SUCH a happy baby! :) I wonder what adventures the future will hold? She's grown so much in these 3 months!

Birth story

I'd been having contractions for weeks... but not enough to get me in the hospital.
I had an appointment scheduled to see the doctor and talk about inducing on August 17th… but I didn’t have to go. Finally! Four days after my due date at 7:50am... my water broke! I was so excited I was laughing... and every time I laughed my water would gush... and I'd laugh harder :) I had to sit on a towel to get to the hospital but we made it!

There were a lot of babies being born that day so we had to stay in triage for a little while. (That is the top picture.) They checked me and I wasn’t very far along but they weren’t going to send me home since my water had broken! YAY! To me, that was a victory! I didn't mind sitting there on the monitors - my baby was on her way!

When it was time to get me into a room it was 10:30 a.m. and the only one available was a Jacuzzi room! Exactly what I was hoping for! My nurse was Terry – she was at the beginning of her shift and she was wonderful. (My favorite thing was that she didn’t make me get my blood pressure taken EVERY hour! That cuff hurt – too tight!)

Through the day my contractions were progressing slowly - not getting much closer together but definitely more intense! Bobby made me laugh through some contractions and those ones hurt the worst!

Around 5:30 p.m. they started me on pitocin. Even though I’d been walking the halls my labor wasn’t progressing much and the contractions were slowing a little. As soon as they started it my contractions definitely started back up again! Into the evening they would increase the amount I was getting and the contractions would get harder and closer! I tried sitting on the birthing ball – it really did help.

After a little while on the ball and a few times losing Eliana’s heartbeat because the monitor would move on my belly or she would move away… her heart rate dropped into the low 60s. Four nurses came running into my room to find out why. When they stood me up and moved the monitor and then settled me back into bed her heart rate came back up. (Thank you nurses!)

After that episode I had to stay in bed for a little while. At 9:30 p.m. the doctor came in to check me… I had progressed a little but not as far as they had hoped. I had to have an internal monitor placed to watch my contractions. It took two people multiple tries to get it placed – they had to get it between her head and my cervix. That was more painful than all the contractions up to that point!

Terry reminded me that I hadn’t tried the Jacuzzi yet so that was next. It was nice but I was very thankful that Geoff and Terry were there to help me in – I remember that I had a contraction with one foot in and one foot out of the tub! It was nice to be in there relaxing… my shoulders hurt later because I had my elbows up out of the water and every contraction I’d tense my arm muscles and pick myself up a little. While in the tub we were talking about other options and I decided to try Stadol.

It was close to or past midnight by now and Terry had finished her shift… Heather came next, I didn’t care for her. She sure wasn’t helpful with getting out of the tub and back into bed!

Once Geoff got me back into bed, I stayed put until I was headed to recovery!

Stadol was very helpful for me – I got to SLEEP! I remember that they checked me after my first dose and I was still only 5-6 cm dilated… I decided to get another dose and I got to sleep again!

After that – my memory is a bit blurry. I remember that the need to push started coming but I wasn’t progressed enough to push. OW! They had me get up on my hands and knees and lay on a bean bag chair – that was the most comfort that I had until they told me I could push! (Which didn’t happen for a while.) At some point they put the internal monitor in for her heartbeat, I think it was before I got the Stadol, but that didn’t hurt so I don’t really remember.

I pushed for four hours!

Two and a half hours in Dr. Walsh had to leave and Dr. Deenadayalu came in. I was so excited and was finding very odd things highly amusing! When he walked through the door he said “So, this is why you missed your appointment Tuesday!” … My reply? A very happy “My water broke!” I must have had a contraction because I don’t remember what happened between him walking in the door and when he sat down to check my progress.

As he checked me, Tina (the new nurse – loved her!) gave him the run down of my labor. As soon as he heard “no epidural” I felt like I was on a movie set! “She didn’t have an epidural? I need a local!” He then snapped his hand up waiting… I got a little relief from the stretching pain at that point!

Compared to the last 24 hours the last hour went really fast for me! I completely missed that Dr. D left the room to go deliver another baby!

My mom held my head while Geoff and Tina held my feet and knees. Every contraction I pushed at least two times… I had to keep my face and neck relaxed and concentrate my pushing to the area Dr D was pushing on. If she was going to come out I needed to focus! Tina had me lean to my left and to my right to find the position that would get her out the best… finally tipped to my right side we were making progress!

I dosed between some of my contractions, I’d been laboring all night! Finally after hours of pushing she turned and started coming out. Pushing with all my might was hard… but in the end they handed me my baby!!! J

Friday, August 27, 2010

Wow - 1 week 2 days old!

Okay - so, I'm working on my "Birth Story" post... but that seems to be slow-going! :) My mom has most of the details of the day..... and it really was ALL day. :P 25 hours from water breaking to baby out with the last 4 hours of that spent pushing!

I thought I'd let you know other things while we wait :)

- You know how I only gained 16lbs? Well... apparently even though I was gaining pregnancy weight, I was losing in the rest of my body. :) My total weight gain/loss right now is 12lbs!!! So, there's the 28lbs I was 'supposed' to have gained during pregnancy :) I feel so healthy! If it wasn't for my hips still being spread out I would be able to get back into my old jeans and I'm thinking they wouldn't be so tight anymore.

- Her kidney? The 'possible second collection system' is gone. Just gone. No more appointments, no follow-ups, no surgery... gone. YAY! It is a miracle, that's all there is to it.

- Her poor little belly button... I thought the umbilical cord had fallen off... part of it did. There is a little more and it is in her belly button and it bleeds old blood :( (I have another appt next Thursday for her two-week and I'll mention it then) We have to wipe it clean just so the scabby is out of the way so the cord can dry out.

- She's perfect. :) Yes, that is important to know. :) Okay - some of this will be in my Birth Story post but I think it is fun to mention it all at once: Her barely-a-cone head was already gone a few hours after birth, her Apgar scores were 8&9 (no babies get a 10 - they'd have to be perfectly pink), she passed her hearing test, the pediatrician at the hospital was impressed with her neck strength and gave her an A+ on her exam (yes, she said A+), part on her umbilical cord fell off already, her kidney thing disappeared, she seems to be slightly more awake during the day with big chunks of sleep at night... hm, what else... oh, she's beautiful with lots of hair, she spends some time awake and alert everyday and she's just perfect :) Need I say more?

Friday, August 13, 2010

40 weeks

How far along? 40 weeks
Due Date: August 13, 2010

Total weight gain/loss: +16. Down 1 from last week. :) I like the way this is going so far!
Maternity clothes? Yea.
Sleep: Actually sleeping is fine... getting in a comfortable position and making sure my belly is comfortable too is an entirely different matter!
Best moment this week: Saw a friend I only see a couple times a year AND found out about when we try inducing.
Movement: Yes. Tons. Almost no relief. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes it hurts! She tends to push so hard I feel like I'm contracting!
Food cravings: Right now nothing sounds good.
Food aversions: Nothing specific.

Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Yes - contractions are hard when they come... which at their closest seems to be every 10mn or so... and maybe the beginning on bloody show? Maybe? ... I never would have thought these were things to be excited about!
Belly Button in or out? Out... well, the middle is still in. I can feel it through my shirt... and now it shows through my shirt!
What I miss: Subway!!! (Cold Subway!) But I've been good this long, I'm going to wait out this last bit and then eat a celebration sub!
What I am looking forward to: Having a baby to cuddle with.
Milestones: DUE TODAY!!! ... Wonder if  she'll make it?

Other: Dr appointment this week - dilated to 1cm (not much of a change from "about 1cm" but I'll take it!), still 50% effaced. I saw Dr. D (he delivered my niece) and I really liked him... he started the appt by talking about when we induce :P He said that he tried to stretch my cervix ... so maybe that will help things move along? My next appt is Tuesday 8/17 and if I make it that far we will be scheduling an induction for the next week. Pray that if she doesn't come on her own I at least dilate some more - the risk of needing a c-section is high if I'm not dilated more when I go for induction.

Friday, August 6, 2010

39 weeks

39 weeks pregnant
Fetal development in pregnancy week 39: Whether you give birth tomorrow or next week, it's pretty much all the same for your baby, who is now truly R-E-A-D-Y to face the big bright world outside of your womb. Speaking of wombs, your body is priming up for the big moment and hopefully, you're as prepared mentally as you can be. Your baby is well stocked up on fat, all their organs have put on the finishing touches. Here's hoping your child is already in the birthing position and basically just "hanging out" waiting for that elusive moment when all sysytems synchronize in your body to trigger the labor process.

How far along? 39 weeks
Due Date: August 13, 2010

Total weight gain/loss: +17. Ugh. Oh well. I've been forgetting to drink much water since I've been home and Klondike bars are not good substituted for yogurt :) I ate healthier while I was working. :P I've been off all this week and am now retaining water so my normal rings don't fit - poof! I've been walking a lot though so no fair!
Maternity clothes? Yea.
Sleep: Less comfortable than it has been. I almost sleep through the night but shifting positions is the worst! and sometimes my hips hurt so bad... especially when I try to get out of bed.
Best moment this week: I've been relaxing a lot! Last Friday was my last day at work until late October so I've been chillin' ... baking ... and trying to be productive!
Movement: Yes. Way more than I expected. I feel like she's still trying to stretch out my belly!
Food cravings: Heath Klondike bars :)
Food aversions: I haven't noticed anything lately... but I have to avoid peanuts and peanut butter because they comes back later :P indigestion, heartburn... whatever you call it, it is uncomfortable!

Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Ow, yes. Back labor I think. I've had a few days where contractions would start getting regular and closer together... and then nothing. She is NOT in a hurry to come out.
Belly Button in or out? Out... well, the middle is still in. I can feel it through my shirt.
What I miss: Subway!!! (Cold Subway!) But I've been good this long, I'm going to wait out these last few weeks and then eat a celebration sub!
What I am looking forward to: Having a baby to cuddle with.
Milestones: 7 days left!! I just really hope she's not late!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

9 days

38 weeks and 5 days pregnant... 9 days left to my due date!

Just got home from my Dr appointment. About 50% effaced but 'not really' dilated... I'm going to assume that means I'm 1 cm, same as two weeks ago. *sigh* It is good though that I'm effaced - I'm getting the feeling that is more important than being dilated. She suggested walking as a good way to get contractions started... Guess who is going to be using her walking shoes more often? Me!

More fun... ready?
"How tall are you, Amy?" ... I'm 5'3" and a little ... "I don't think this is a little baby. How big were you two, do you know?" ... I was 8lb9oz and Geoff was 7lb3oz ... "I think she'll be at least 8 lbs."

Oh, great. Now I really want her to come so she doesn't have time to get any bigger.

*sigh* Baby girl, please come! Mommy and Daddy want to meet you and would rather you do the rest of your growing outside of mommy's tummy. Thank you!